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My 5 Favourite House Plants

Choosing the best houseplants for your home and how to care for them

House Plants.  Maidens Hair; String-of-hearts; money plant. Run Wild Interiors, Bristol
House Plants - Run Wild Interiors

I love a house-plant! I have several in every room in my house. From the darkened north-facing rooms, to sun-drenched south-facing windows.

Bringing nature into out homes, and blurring the boundaries between the outdoors and in, is proven to have beneficial effects on our health: Nature has been shown to help lower stress levels; plants can help purify the air we breathe, add interest to a room, and they also look beautiful - why would you not nestle a pot-plant into every spare bit of space you have available in your home?

I can often be found pottering in the garden, walking through woodlands or digging in the allotment. But, as the days get shorter, I tend to spend more time indoors.

Although Spring often feels like a great time to buy new indoor plants, I often like to add one more indoor plant to my collection as we settle in to Autumn / Winter.

Here are 5 of my favourite house-plants:

Maidenhair Fern

(shown in above photo)

I love this plant dearly, but it's a fussy thing! I have finally found the spot in my house where it's happy. It's a north facing room - as they don't like direct sunlight - but in a spot where it can get a fair amount of indirect light, and still be a meter or so away from the window.

As I said, they're fickle! They don't like to dry out; they don't like too much water! I find it best to let the soil dry out and then swiftly give them a sip of water (I keep a beady eye on them and tend to do this a 1-2 times per week). I also have a water spray standing near by, so give it a light shower when I walk past.

They are fussy, but they have such beautiful delicate leaves, and fabulously dark stems. A great one for the brave!


Flowering string-of-hearts - Run Wild Interiors

If I were to order them, this may well make number 1! Why? They are so easy to look after, and stunning!

I have one in my darkest north-facing room - growing steadily, but strong - and one in direct sunlight in my south-facing window - flowering like there's no tomorrow! I water them as and when they need it. It probably equates to once a week at most, but it's usually just when I notice they're dry.

They are fabulous trailers and so are great for on shelves, fire-place mantel pieces and in suspended plant-pots. Their leaves are shaped like little hearts - hence the name - and they are delicate cascades of greenery.

Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant)

I loved these plants when I was little and we had them in my parents house; I love them now.

These sculptural, wonderfully shaped leaves, bring interest into any room. They're great in big pots on the floor, or in a pot on a plant stand. You need some space for these beauts; in some places they grow pretty big. They naturally grow under tree canopies, so like dappled, filtered light. Place it out of direct sunlight, and don't let its feet stay wet.


Also known as the Chinese Money Plant, this little indoor pot-plant has the most amazing circular leaves. If I'm creating a calming space within a home, or using a circular pattern in the design, this is a plant I like to add.

This is a lovely little plant which, like myself, loves a sunny spot. Water when dry, and be sure to do so if its leaves begin to sag. It's quite characterful in the sense that when it needs water, it looks a bit down-trodden; when it sees sunlight, it looks as though its reaching towards it!

These plants throw off wee ones quite regularly, so they're also a great plant to pass on to friends. Just carefully scoop out, repot, and bestow the joy on someone else.

Aloe Vera

This plant is not one I would have previously chosen, only because I'm a fan of softer, curvier plants as a rule. But, since been given an offspring from one of my friends, it's found a place in my heart... and my home! 3 rooms now to be exact!

The reason is this: It has so many different heath benefits, from soothing skin to healing wounds. It is also one of the best air purifying plants you can have in your home. In short, this is a first ait kit in plant form.

It is a sun worshipper extraordinaire, so be sure to position it in a south-facing room. It doesn't care for as much water as other plants, so just tip a good amount into its pot about once every fortnight.

As you can see, the first line was no lie; I do love house-plants! I have many more varieties in my home, and always add them to any room designs I do. I consider which way the room's facing and how hot / dry etc it might get, as well as how they compliment the room design.

I am about to bring my banana plants inside for the winter. I'm not sure if you can call them house plants, but they will definitely bring a lot of joy to the days spent inside this winter.

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